Near our shop, there is a very famous shore.
There are many fashionable restaurants and shops on the seafront.
I have never been there.
Because I must be in our shop all day.
My husband and our baby go to seaside everyday.
So now their face are pitch black because of sun tan.
My husband had never seen the sea until he came to Japan.
Because there are only mountains at his hometown.
When he saw the sea the first, he was very very excited.
Still now he likes the sea very much.
If I can go to the sea together, I want to do one thing.
My husband had never swim.
It is a still impossible.
The first I take him to the offshore, and I and baby return to the shore hurry.
What does he do?
He always acts big in front of me.
So, sometimes I want to bother him.......
When does my dream come true??
If I don't hurry up, this Summer is over!!