It is called "dpal behu" in Tibet.
In Chinese translations of Buddhist scriptures it has been translated as "auspicious sign" and as one of the eight auspicious signs in Tibet it is considered a symbol of affections and devotion.
Do you think your affection is unend?
For my baby, my affection is unend......forever!!
For my husband.......??
........I hope my affection is not end.
My mother passed away a few years ago.
My husband's mother also did more than 10years ago.
So my baby doesn't have grand mother.
This is unhappiness for him.
But he is very lucky.
The owner of a rented house and neighbors are very kind for him.
Everyone play with him and give him some sweets.
He has many grand mother here.
How lucky boy he is!!
I have heard a lot that the man who can't feel affections also can't love for anyone.
Hi Baby!
Grow up with many affections!!
Give your affections for anybody!!
The chain of happiness can last forever........!!