My husband often told me "Why are Japanese people interested in only
He likes all of animals very much.
But he thought that it looks abnormal Japanese contact with a
For example.....
The Japanese doesn't like or doesn't care about a baby and elderly person.
The Japanese doesn't talk with the unknown person who sit down next in a train.
But if there are an unknown lovely puppy, everyone go there and talk with
He can't understand Japanese habit like this.
When I heard this story, I couldn't laugh.
This is a Japanese impression judging from fresh eyes of the foreigners.
The other day,
When he went to the park with our baby, he saw the neighborhood.
She said to her
dog "Ai chan (This is her
dog's name), Say hello to him!!"
After he came back, he told me
"How does her
dog say hello to me.....?? How can I reply.....??"
About this, I was laughing.
For him, a
dog or a horse are the same as a family.
However, they are animals.
They never put an animal in their house.
When I went to Mongolia, I stayed with Mongolian Nomad family at their Mongolian tent.
They also didn't allow to put even a puppy in their house.
I don't understand how I may explain that to him.
But I hope Japanese come to be interested in an erderly person or baby a little more so that they love a