Everyday he ran out and ride his horse from morning till night.
Sometimes he helped his father.
Father's job is Nomadic grazing.
They are a Nomadic Life.
Of course, there was no electricity.
Until 16 years old, my husband had never watched TV.
When he watched TV first, he was thinking that there are some midgets inside this box.
His father is 75years old, but he still continues to be a Nomadic.
When I was a child, I thought I'd Nomadic future.
So I wanted go to Mongolia.
Around 10years ago, I went to Mongolia.
I had a homestay family of Mongolian General Nomad.
Their house was "Geru : Mongolian-styl tents".
It was still September, but already freezing cold.
My homestay family was young father, mother and 2-year-old boy.
They were a nice family.
This father wake up very early morning, do livestock feed, drink one cup of milk tea and go out for a grazing till night.
This mother also wake up eary, fire up by drying Cow dung, milk a cow, take care for small livestock and so on.......
This Son, Naughty Boy, he wake up late, drink a cup of milk tea, run out, drink cup of milk tea, run out, drink a cup of milk tea, spanked a puppy, drink a cup of milk tea.......again and again....
At night, they light only one candle, eat dinner together, play with son and go on a bed early night.
Those are not special things, but under the candle light, they looked overflowing with Happy.
Now, my husband's most favorite thing is watching TV.
If I didn't tell him"Stop watching TV!!", he would do that a whole day.
"Don't worry Darling!
In Japan tomorrow you can also watch TV!!"
"When you give me Nomadic Life?"